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OSTAS OPK 45 digi

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Asking price

  • Referans numarası Referans numarası 1108-75402
    Çalışma Saati Çalışma Saati Uygulanabilir değil
  • Satıcı

    WMT GmbH & Co.KG
    Siemensstraße 1
    46342 Velen-Ramsdorf
    Showroom Logo
  • Ana Kategori

    Metal işleme makineleri
  • Kategori

    Sac işleme makineleri
  • Makine tipi

    Profil silindiri (dikey)
  • İmalatçı

  • Teknik veriler

    35 (600) mm
    35 (900) mm
    50 x 50 x 5 (800) mm
    T - beam - web outwards
    60 x 7 (600) mm
    Axis diameter
    50 mm
    work speed
    4,5 m/min
    total power requirement
    1,5 kW
    weight of the machine ca.
    0,4 t
    dimensions of the machine ca.
    1,1 x 0,8 x 1,5 m
  • Tanım

    Profile bending machine with:
    - Foot pedal right / left
    - Recording: wave 50mm
    - with digital display
    - hardened special steel shafts
    - 1 set of standard rollers
    - Lower rollers are driven
    - Upper roll up and down hydraulically deliverable
    - Horizontal and vertical operation
    - Engine with braking device

    This ad was created with MODUL MWS - the software solution of LogoTech.
  • Eyalet


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